from Coffee-House Poetry organiser, Anne-Marie Fyfe
A quick heads-up as to what’s-up in Fall ’24 with Talking Transatlantic, our online #poetrymonday US-poet readings/conversations, the series that’s brought you, among others, Joshua Bennett, Naomi Shihab Nye, Tom Sleigh, Dana Gioia, Jane Hirshfield & Mark Halliday. These events are still free & online but booking’s essential (limit 100) so watch out for details re event links in future emails. (And if you’re not already signed up, click here!)
Starting in October with Jane Hirshfield on a welcome return visit (reading from The Asking, her ‘new & selected’): Jane’s currently on a poetry tour of China so we’re looking forward to hearing all her writing news. After which we have Mark Doty, Professor Emeritus at Rutgers, who, since his 2020 online Troubadour International Poetry Prize reading, has moved out of NYC & owns a 13-acre Hudson River Valley farm, where he’s absorbed by bee-keeping, nesting boxes, heirloom tomatoes, & poems, naturally.
And then the superb Dennis Nurkse, whose poetry so many of you have engaged with. All three guests have featured recently in Cahal Dallat’s Between The Lines masterclass series & each will be asked, as part of their #poetrymondays interview, to reveal one specific secret in their poetry practice!
American Jane Yeh & London-based Glyn Maxwell read, of course, in a special 9th December #poetrymonday to announce, & celebrate, the poems they will have selected in their role as 2024 Troubadour International Poetry Prize judges. Winners & commendeds get to read alongside the judges, so do check out closing date etc below if you’d like to be one of those winners!
And in other news: already running, the first outing for a brand new 7-wk themed creative course, Beyond the Blue latest Between the Lines masterclass series; & (see right) a 7-wk creative engagement with the enchantment of trees.
An exciting, intensive, immersive #coffeehousepoetry autumn! Looking forward to catching up with so many of you!
- talking transatlantic with jane hirshfield, mark doty & d. nurkse: three free online reading & in-conversation events, starting october
- mon 9 dec, 7.30 pm: troubadour international poetry prize night: judges jane yeh & glyn maxwell (free online event) with 2024 prizewinners!
See full details of poetry readings
classes & courses
booking now
- sun 22 sep—sat 23 nov: root & branch: the enchantment of trees: 7-wk creative-writing workshop series with anne-marie fyfe
- sun 8 sep—sat 2 nov, £280: beyond the blue: 7-wk creative-writing workshop series with anne-marie fyfe
- fri 6 sep—sat 26 oct, £280: between the lines, a 7-wk close reading & critical masterclass with cahal dallat
- sun 8 sep, 2.30-5pm, £24: poetry in the pavements: explore the young wb yeats’s west-london world with cahal dallat
- sun 23 jun—sat 24 aug: solitary spaces: 9-wk creative-writing workshop series on solitude, with anne-marie fyfe
- sun 16 jun, 2.30-5pm: land of heart’s desire: wb yeats literary walk with cahal dallat
- sun 26 may—sat 27 jul: nocturne, a 9-wk creative-writing workshop series with anne-marie fyfe
- fri 24 may—sat 13 jul: between the lines – focus on form, a 7-wk close reading & critical masterclass with cahal dallat
- sun 21 apr—sat 29 jun: root & branch: the enchantment of trees: 9-wk creative-writing workshop series anne-marie fyfe
- sun 7 apr—sat 15 jun: the avian eye: 9-wk creative-writing workshop series with anne-marie fyfe
- fri 16 feb—sat 6 apr: between the lines #16, a 7-wk close reading & critical masterclass with cahal dallat
- sun 11 feb—sat 13 apr: root & branch: the enchantment of trees: 9-wk creative-writing workshop series anne-marie fyfe
- sun 4 feb—sun 7 apr: taking a walk: the poetry of footfall: 9-wk creative-writing workshop series with anne-marie fyfe
- sun 7 jan—sat 9 mar: root & branch: the enchantment of trees: 9-wk creative-writing workshop series anne-marie fyfe
- fri 5 jan—sat 24 feb: between the lines #15 – focus on form#1, a 7-wk close reading & critical masterclass with cahal dallat